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Physical Education

"You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa



The PE department is dedicated to promoting lifelong health and fitness, fostering teamwork, and building confidence through active participation. Our diverse curriculum enables students to develop their physical, social, and mental well-being while enjoying a range of engaging sports and activities. With an emphasis on inclusion and enjoyment, Core PE provides every student with the opportunity to achieve their personal best.

Curriculum Intent

Core PE aims to instil a passion for physical activity and a commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The curriculum encourages students to develop fundamental movement skills, improve physical fitness, and build resilience through participation in a variety of sports and activities.

Students will enhance their physical competence and confidence by progressing from learning basic skills to applying them in more advanced, competitive settings. The programme supports the development of teamwork, communication, and strategic thinking, with a focus on personal improvement and collaboration. Ultimately, we aim to provide students with the tools and motivation to enjoy physical activity beyond the school environment.

Our curriculum for the BTEC Tech Award in Sport is designed to nurture passionate, knowledgeable, and skilled individuals who are equipped to succeed in the sports industry. We aim to develop students’ understanding of key principles in sport, including fitness, training methods, performance analysis, and the impact of physical activity on health and well-being.

Through a blend of theoretical study and practical application, students will gain insights into the scientific, technical, and social aspects of sport. The course builds teamwork, communication, and analytical skills, enabling students to reflect on their own performance and that of others. This ensures they are not only prepared for academic success but also for further study and employment in the sports sector.

Core PE KS3 and KS4 – Overview

Students in both key stages engage in a wide range of activities, including:

Invasion Games: Football, Rugby, and Netball

Net Games: Badminton

Health-Related Exercise (HRE): Cross Country and Fitness

Striking & Fielding Games: Rounders and Softball

Athletics: Track and field events

The curriculum is designed to build on core skills over time, enabling students to develop their physical abilities, apply tactics and strategies in game situations, and reflect on their performance.

BTEC Sport KS4 Option – Overview

“Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan

The BTEC Tech Award in Sport is delivered over three components:

Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity – Understanding fitness, training principles, and the benefits of physical activity.

Taking Part and Improving Other Participants’ Sporting Performance – Exploring how to support and develop performance in a range of activities.

Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants’ Performance in Sport and Physical Activity – Practical applications of fitness testing and training methods.

Assessment combines internally assessed coursework and one externally assessed unit, providing students with a balanced and practical approach to learning.

GCSE Exam Information

Assessments and qualifications are provided by Pearson BTEC. The full specification for the course can be accessed here:  

Enrichment Opportunities

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular sports and activities designed to cater to student interests, regularly updating our timetable based on student feedback. This ensures that our programme includes options that students are passionate about, whether that’s traditional sports or new, innovative activities. Extra-curricular clubs, inter-house competitions, and opportunities to represent the school in local and regional events enhance the student experience and foster a strong sense of community.

We also offer opportunities at KS3 and KS4 for pupils to complete outdoor education residential trips. This allows pupils to develop additional skills such as resilience and teamwork as well as increasing their own confidence and self-esteem.

For BTEC Sport students, they benefit from a variety of additional enrichment activities that enhance their understanding of the sports industry. Highlights include visits to Wolverhampton University, where students observe fitness testing conducted in a professional environment, providing valuable insights into sports science in action.

Studying PE Post-16

Core PE inspires a lifelong love of physical activity and encourages students to continue engaging in sport and fitness beyond school. The emphasis is on developing habits that promote health, well-being, and enjoyment, equipping students to lead active lifestyles in adulthood. Through positive experiences in Core PE, students are motivated to explore local sports clubs, fitness facilities, and community initiatives to maintain their engagement with physical activity.

Studying the BTEC Tech Award in Sport prepares students for further education and careers in the sports industry. Post-16 pathways include Level 3 BTEC qualifications in Sport, A-Level PE, or apprenticeships in coaching, personal training, or sports therapy. These qualifications can lead to higher education courses in Sports Science, Physiotherapy, or Sports Management, as well as careers in fitness training, teaching, or professional coaching.