Pupil Premium
Our key priorities:
At The Rural Enterprise Academy, all staff and governors are committed to meeting the academic and pastoral needs of those pupils who are recognised as disadvantaged. Regardless of any disadvantages, every pupil is valued and respected and should develop to their full potential.
Our objectives:
Beginning in 2011, the government has allocated a specific pupil premium grant to every school to support the educational achievement of identified pupils. Pupils who are in receipt of free school meals and pupils who are looked after or have ceased to be looked after are used as indicators of deprivation by the government. An additional service premium is given to pupils whose parents are or have served in the armed forces.
Our use of pupil premium funding is planned following the objectives below:
- To ensure pupil premium funding reaches the pupils for whom it has been intended, and it has an impact on their educational outcomes.
- To reduce the attainment gap between academy disadvantaged pupils and others nationally.
- To reduce other inequalities between disadvantaged pupils and other pupils at the academy.
- To ensure disadvantaged pupils have full access to our curriculum, including access to our extra-curricular provision.
Please see the pupil premium statement below for further details of planned expenditures.